Giving & Planning

Whether you are looking to simplify and organize your giving today, or you are planning for the future, we have the team and options to help you achieve all your charitable goals. We make it simple and easy. If you would like to establish your own personal giving account, involve your children and grandchildren more in your family’s philanthropy, or take steps to maximize the impact of your giving, the Community Foundation of Louisville can help.

We Help You Simplify, Organize, and Maximize Your Philanthropy

Curious how a Donor Advised or Charitable Checking Fund can help you in this current tax environment? This brief video will give you some ideas.

Philanthropy by Design

What do you want your philanthropy to look like? Do you want to be spontaneous with your giving, or is long-term planning more of your style? Do you have a passion for one area of need, or are your interests many and varied? We help you do philanthropy your way, with our expertise and connections. Let's work together to design your perfect plan.

Investment Strategies

We can provide you unique investment options so your charitable dollars can potentially grow tax free - adding more money for you to give away to support your favorite causes.

Professional Advisors

We are here to help you help your clients. With in-depth knowledge of charitable giving strategies, we are your professional resource.

Collaborative Philanthropy

Learn about opportunities to invest alongside of us and do more than you ever thought possible.

Impact Investing

Are you interested in deploying charitable capital in a way that generates a financial and tangible social benefit to the community?

Give For Good Louisville

Do you want to help make the annual 24-hour online day of giving an even greater success by contributing to our “Prize Pool”?

Fund for Louisville

Would you like to join us as a funding partner for our Fund for Louisville capacity building grants program?

Questions about giving and planning?

Heather Cash, JD
Heather Cash, JD
Heather Cash, JD
Senior Vice President, Philanthropic Services
[javascript protected email address]