Endow Kentucky Tax Credit

The Endow Kentucky Tax Credit allows donors to receive not just a charitable deduction, but also a credit against their Kentucky income taxes. The credit is 20% of their contribution, up to $10,000. This means the maximum an individual can give is $50,000, which would allow for a $10,000 tax credit. Gifts must be directed to a permanent endowment fund at a qualified community foundation, like the Community Foundation of Louisville. Individuals must apply for the credit before making their gift.

How Does the Process Work?

Learn how the Foundation can help you take advantage of this tax-wise way to create a lasting legacy and support Kentucky charities, counties, or communities for generations to come.

Endow Kentucky Funds

Support your favorite Kentucky organizations and causes in perpetuity.

Watch the 2021 Endow Kentucky Virtual Info Session to Learn More About Tax-Saving Charitable Giving Opportunities

Could the Endow Kentucky Tax Credit Help You? Watch This Two Minute Summary and See

To learn more or to apply, contact us.

Endow Kentucky Team
Endow Kentucky Team