How to Contribute to Invest Louisville

The Community Foundation of Louisville holds nearly $800 million in philanthropic assets today. Collectively, local foundations manage over $5 billion in assets. Yet, most of these assets are not invested with local impact as a primary goal. Too many of Louisville’s entrepreneurs, organizations, and businesses struggle to access investment capital.

Years of research have revealed consistent capital development gaps that keep more equitable and impactful investments from happening – particularly in affordable and accessible housing, entrepreneurship, and land development. Through Invest Louisville, you can be part of a unique opportunity that can make your charitable investments as impactful as your grantmaking.


Make Your Charitable Investments
as Impactful As Your Grantmaking 


How Invest Louisville Works

Download the Invest Louisville Factsheet

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*Research has identified a $250 million gap in philanthropic capital in our city. Through Invest Louisville there is the potential to move more money and resources into parts of our city that have experienced decades of disinvestment.


*Data sources: Greater Louisville Project The Flow of Community Investment (2019), Louisville Community Coordinated Investment Project (2021), and A Path Forward for Louisville (2022)

Why Invest?


Invest Louisville can unlock millions of additional investment capital for our city, creating more affordable and accessible housing, entrepreneurship, and land development.


Louisville’s peer cities are busy deploying impact investments leading to significant growth. This is our chance to match and exceed our peers with an innovative, effective local investment resource.


The Foundation plays a distinct role as a financial institution with a social mission. Our flexible capital can  fill gaps for community partners that other more regulated financial institutions cannot.

Past Impact Investments

The Community Foundation of Louisville has a decade of experience making impact investments prior to Invest Louisville. Learn more about the Foundation's impact investments over the past 10 years.

Join Us In This Important Endeavor!

Ramona Dallum
Ramona Dallum
Ramona Dallum
Senior Vice President, Community Leadership
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