Louisville's Prosperity

The Louisville's Prosperity action area centers around promoting robust economic growth, especially among populations facing longstanding barriers to fully contributing to Louisville's economy. Areas of investment can include: supporting access to capital for businesses, jobs, and community-driven land development.

Vogt Invention and Innovation Awards

The Community Foundation of Louisville’s Vogt Invention & Innovation Awards offers entrepreneurs in the Louisville region a unique and exciting opportunity to take their businesses to the next level. Each year, up to six early-stage businesses receive $25,000 in non-dilutive grant funding, participation in a 10-week startup accelerator program, coaching, mentorship, strategic introductions, and recognition, all designed to boost the growth of their business. Unlike other business accelerator programs, the Vogt Awards allows founders to retain full ownership of their businesses.

Louisville Metropolitan Housing Coalition Report

The Community Foundation of Louisville is a proud sponsor of the 2023 State of Housing Metropolitan Report issued by the Metropolitan Housing Coalition and the University of Louisville Center for Environmental Policy and Management. This year’s report focuses on the impacts climate change is having and will continue to have on access to safe, fair, and affordable housing in Louisville and addresses local policies and actions to respond to, mitigate, and adapt to climate change. This sponsorship is a reflection of the Foundation's commitment to enhance policy solutions by supporting evidence-based and expert informed efforts that help advance conversations, policy solutions, or additional work around complex topics such as affordable housing or public infrastructure. Read the full report here.


In 2020 the Foundation dedicated the entire CFL Impact Capital fund to equitable economic development by extending a $500,000 loan to LHOME – Louisville’s intentionally inclusive lender. LHOME, which stands for Louisville Housing and Opportunities Micro-Enterprise Community Development Loan Fund, Inc., is a mission-driven nonprofit financial institution that provides affordable loan products and financial coaching services to low-income small business owners, renters, and homeowners in Louisville, KY. LHOME is a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI), certified by the U.S. Treasury that seeks to help individuals build wealth for themselves and their families. This loan made funds available to increase financial access and stability for LHOME clients who are predominantly African American living and/or working in Louisville’s South and West End, neighborhoods with long histories of redlining and scarce affordable accessible lending.

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Community Engagement Team
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