Nonprofit Resources

Nonprofit Resource Information Session

Did you miss our nonprofit resource information session in February? Check out the recording below.

This video features discussions and presentations from Community Foundation staff sharing information to help charitable organizations spark change by:

  • Accessing the Foundation’s network of social and financial resources
  • Connecting with the Foundation’s Action Areas (People, Prosperity, and Well-Being)
  • Understanding Donor Advised Funds

Resources Available Through the Foundation

Fund for Louisville

Grants from the Fund for Louisville address Louisville’s most pressing needs which we currently define as three action areas, Louisville’s People and Louisville’s Prosperity and Louisville’s Well-Being.

Learn more about the Fund for Louisville and these action areas.

Sparking Change Mini-Grants

The Sparking Change Mini-Grants program is a unique opportunity for nonprofit organizations to spark meaningful action by receiving $1,000 grants. Throughout the year, the Foundation will randomly award 36 mini-grants to organizations with annual budgets of less than $250,000.  Recipients will be highlighted on our social media platforms.  Applications will also introduce the work of smaller nonprofit organizations to the Foundation staff.

Apply today

Give for Good Louisville

Give for Good Louisville is the Community Foundation’s largest grantmaking opportunity, with donors issuing hundreds of grants to participating nonprofit organizations from their charitable funds held at the Foundation. This online giving day provides local organizations from Kentucky and Southern Indiana with a platform to share their story, seek financial support, and gain new community connections.

Learn more


Candid-GuideStar is one of the nation’s leading digital platforms to learn about nonprofit organizations.  Anyone can access this database and it is a good resource for people with funds at our Foundation to find organizations which align with their personal values.

Update your Candid-GuideStar profile.

Community Foundation of Louisville Newsletter

By signing up for the Foundation newsletter, you get exclusive access to funding opportunities and updates about how the Foundation is addressing Louisville’s most pressing needs.

Subscribe today

Resources Available Outside the Foundation

Center for Nonprofit Excellence

The Center for Nonprofit Excellence is a central point for nonprofits in the Louisville region to gain access to information, best practices, professional development, consultation services and nonprofit industry analysis.

Kentucky Nonprofit Network

Kentucky Nonprofit Network is the Commonwealth’s association of nonprofit organizations. It exists to strengthen and advance our sector through a unified public policy voice, education, technical assistance, networking opportunities and sharing of best practices.

National Council of Nonprofits

As the nation’s largest network of nonprofits, the National Council of Nonprofits identifies emerging trends, shares proven practices and promotes solutions that benefit charitable nonprofits and the communities they serve.

Standards for Excellence Institute

The Standards for Excellence Institute is a national initiative established to promote the highest standards of ethics, effectiveness, and accountability in nonprofit governance, management, and operations, and to help all nonprofit organizations meet these high benchmarks.

Independent Sector

Independent Sector is the leadership network for nonprofits, foundations, and corporations committed to advancing the common good. Its nonpartisan coalition’s networks collectively represent tens of thousands of organizations and individuals locally, nationally, and globally.

Board Match

Board Match is a portal linking nonprofits and potential board members.

Connecting Resources for Action

Want to learn more about our work? Get connected with our Community Engagement team.

Questions? Contact us.

Community Engagement Team
Community Engagement Team